Proverbs 24:6 - Prayer Tents

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Proverbs 24
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Proverbs 24

24Don’t envy evil people or desire their company.H7065H7451H582H1832For their hearts plot violence, and their words always stir up trouble.H3820H1897H7701H8193H1696H59993A house is built by wisdom and becomes strong through good sense.H2451H1004H1129H8394H35594Through knowledge its rooms are filled with all sorts of precious riches and valuables.H1847H2315H4390H3368H5273H19525The wise are mightier than the strongc, and those with knowledge grow stronger and stronger.H2450H1397H5797H376H1847H553H35816So don’t go to war without wise guidance; victory depends on having many advisers.H8458H6213H4421H7230H3289H86687Wisdom is too lofty for fools. Among leaders at the city gate, they have nothing to say.H2454H7311H191H6605H6310H81798A person who plans evil will get a reputation as a troublemaker.H2803H7489H7121H4209H11679The schemes of a fool are sinful; everyone detests a mocker.H2154H200H2403H3887H8441H12010If you fail under pressure, your strength is too small.H7503H3117H6869H3581H686211Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to die; save them as they stagger to their death.H2820H5337H3947H4194H4131H202712Don’t excuse yourself by saying, “Look, we didn’t know.” For God understands all hearts, and he sees you. He who guards your soul knows you knew. He will repay all people as their actions deserve.H559H3045H8505H3826H995H5341H5315H3045H7725H120H646713My childc, eat honey, for it is good, and the honeycomb is sweet to the taste.H1121H398H1706H2896H5317H4966H244114In the same way, wisdom is sweet to your soul. If you find it, you will have a bright future, and your hopes will not be cut short.H3045H2451H5315H4672H3426H319H8615H377215Don’t wait in ambush at the home of the godly, and don’t raid the house where the godly live.H693H7563H5116H6662H7703H725816The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.H6662H5307H7651H6965H7563H3782H745117Don’t rejoice when your enemies fall; don’t be happy when they stumble.H8055H341H5307H3820H1523H378218For the Lord will be displeased with you and will turn his anger away from them.H3068H7200H7489H5869H7725H63919Don’t fret because of evildoers; don’t envy the wicked.H2734H7489H7065H756320For evil people have no future; the light of the wicked will be snuffed out.H319H7451H5216H7563H184621My child, fear the Lord and the king. Don’t associate with rebels,H1121H3372H3068H4428H6148H813822for disaster will hit them suddenly. Who knows what punishment will come from the Lord and the king?H343H6965H6597H3045H6365H8147

More Sayings of the Wise

23Here are some further sayings of the wise. It is wrong to show favoritism when passing judgment.H2450H2896H5234H6440H494124A judge who says to the wicked, “You are innocent,” will be cursed by many people and denounced by the nations.H559H7563H6662H5971H5344H3816H219425But it will go well for those who convict the guilty; rich blessings will be showered on them.H3198H5276H2896H1293H93526An honest answer is like a kiss of friendship.H5401H8193H7725H5228H169727Do your planning and prepare your fields before building your house.H3559H4399H2351H6257H7704H310H1129H100428Don’t testify against your neighbors without cause; don’t lie about them.H5707H7453H2600H6601H819329And don’t say, “Now I can pay them back for what they’ve done to me! I’ll get even with them!”H559H6213H6213H7725H376H646730I walked by the field of a lazy person, the vineyard of one with no common sense.H5674H7704H376H6102H3754H120H2638H382031I saw that it was overgrown with nettles. It was covered with weeds, and its walls were broken down.H5927H7063H2738H3680H6440H68H1444H204032Then, as I looked and thought about it, I learned this lesson.H2372H7896H3820H7200H3947H414833A little extra sleep, a little more slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest—H4592H8142H4592H8572H4592H2264H3027H790134then poverty will pounce on you like a bandit; scarcity will attack you like an armed robber.H7389H935H1980H4270H4043H376

New Living Translation (NLT). Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. More details.
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